This page contains the complete set of annotated topographic maps, elevation profiles, and GPS tracklog data of all of our climbs on our Italy 2005 trip.

M. Cervialto, Elevation over Distance
This is a GPS-derived elevation profile, over distance, of our climb up Monte Cervialto in the Picentini Mountains near Avellino. [enlarge]
M. Cervialto, Elevation over Time
This is a GPS-derived elevation profile, over time, of our climb up Monte Cervialto in the Picentini Mountains near Avellino. [enlarge]
Full GPS tracklog for our M. Cervialto Climb is available by clicking here
Annotated Topo Map, Monte Amaro climb
This is a GPS-dervied annotated topographic map of our Mounte Amaro climb in the national park of the Majella. The red line denotes our actual ascent and descent, as captured by my GPS. [enlarge]
M. Amaro, Elevation over Distance
This is a GPS-derived elevation profile, over distance, of our climb up Monte Amaro in the National Park of the Majella. [enlarge]
M. Amaro, Elevation over Time
This is a GPS-derived elevation profile, over time, of our climb up Monte Amaro in the National Park of the Majella. [enlarge]
Full GPS tracklog for our M. Amaro Climb is available by clicking here
Annotated Topo Map, Cima Auta climb
This is a GPS-dervied annotated topographic map of our Cima Auta climb up the Via ferrata paolin-piccolin. The red line denotes our actual ascent and descent, as captured by my GPS. [enlarge]
Cima Auta Climb, Elevation over Distance
This is a GPS-derived elevation profile, over distance, of our climb up Cima Auta (via the via ferrata Paolin-Piccolin on the way up). The blue section denotes the section that is the via ferrata climb. [enlarge]
Cima Auta Climb, Elevation over Time
This is a GPS-derived elevation profile, over time, of our climb up Cima Auta (via the via ferrata Paolin-Piccolin on the way up). The blue section denotes the section that is the via ferrata climb. [enlarge]
Full GPS tracklog for our Cima Auta Climb is available by clicking here
Annotated Topo Map, Via Ferrata Canalone climb
This is a GPS-dervied annotated topographic map of our Via Ferrata Canalone climb. The blue line denotes our actual ascent and descent, as captured by my GPS. [enlarge]
Via Ferrata Canalone, Elevation Profiles
These are GPS-derived elevation profiles, over time and distance, of our climb up the Via Ferrata Canalone. [enlarge]
Full GPS tracklog for our Ferrata Canalone Climb is available by clicking here
Annotated Topo Map, Colac climb
This is a GPS-dervied annotated topographic map of our Via Ferrata dei finanzieri climb up the Colac. The blue line denotes our actual ascent and descent, as captured by my GPS. [enlarge]
Colac Climb, Elevation profile over distance
This is a GPS-derived elevation plot, over distance, of our climb up (and down) Colac. The climb up was via the via ferrata dei finanzieri. The ferrata portion of the climb is denoted by a blue region. [enlarge]
Colac Climb, Elevation over time
This is a GPS-derived elevation plot, over time, of our climb up (and down) Colac. The climb up was via the via ferrata dei finanzieri. The ferrata portion of the climb is denoted by a blue region. [enlarge]
Full GPS tracklog for our Colac Climb is available by clicking here
Annotated Top Map, ferrata delle trincee
This is a GPS-dervied annotated topographic map of our climb along the Via Ferrata delle trincee. The red line denotes our actual route, as captured by my GPS. [enlarge]
Ferrata delle Trincee, Elevation Profiles
These are GPS-derived elevation profiles, over time and distance, of our climb along the via ferrata delle trincee. [enlarge]
Full GPS tracklog for our Ferrata delle trincee climb is available by clicking here
Annotated Topo Map, Piz da Lech
This is a Topographic Map of our climb up Piz da Lech in the Sella Group, with our GPS-derived actual route overlain in blue. The route can be reached by a two-stage cablecar from the town of Corvara (you can see the straight lines showing the cablecar portions). [enlarge]
Piz da Lech, Elevation Profiles
These are GPS-derived elevation profiles, over time and distance, of our climb of Piz da Lech in the Sella Group. [enlarge]
Full GPS tracklog for our Piz da Lec Climb is available by clicking here
Annotated Topo Map : Middle Cristallo
This is an annotated topographic map of our climb up the Middle Cristallo. Our actual GPS track is shown on the map by a blue line. Note the two chairlift sections that get you up to the rifugio Lorenzi and the start of the climb. [enlarge]
Cristallo: Elevation profile over distance
This is a GPS-derived elevation profile of our climb up the Middle Cristallo, over distance. The ferrata portion is shown in blue. [enlarge]
Cristallo: Elevation profile over time
This is a GPS-derived elevation profile of our climb up the Middle Cristallo, over time. The ferrata portion is shown in blue. [enlarge]
Full GPS tracklog for our Cristallo Climb is available by clicking here
Brenta: Annotated Topo Map: via delle Bochette
This is a topographic map of the area in which we hiked and climbed in the Brenta, including the central part of the Via delle Bocchette. Our route is marked by a GPS-derived tracklog, which is overlain on the map in blue. [enlarge]
Brenta: Elevation profile over distance
This is a GPS-derived elevation profile of our climb in the Brenta, graphed over distance. We climbed over a two-day period. The actual ferrata portion of the climb is marked in blue. [enlarge]
Brenta: Elevation profile over time
This is a GPS-derived elevation profile of our climb in the Brenta, graphed over time. We climbed over a two-day period. The actual ferrata portion of the climb is marked in blue. [enlarge]
Full GPS tracklog for our Brenta (via delle bochette) Climb is available by clicking here
Annotated Topo Map: M. Cevedale
This is a topographic map of the area involved in our climb of Monte Cevedale in the Ortles Group. Our route is marked by a GPS-derived tracklog, which is overlain on the map in red. [enlarge]
Cevedale: Elevation profile over distance
This is a GPS-derived elevation profile of our climb of M. Cevedale in the Ortles, graphed over distance. We climbed over a two-day period. [enlarge]
Cevedale: Elevation profile over time
This is a GPS-derived elevation profile of our climb of M. Cevedale in the Ortles, graphed over time. We climbed over a two-day period. [enlarge]
Full GPS tracklog for our Cevedale Climb is available by clicking here

[ Italy 2005 trip home page | The main trip report | Family | Monte Cervialto | Herculaneum & Vesuvius | Palace of Caserta | Amalfi & Capri | Abruzzo & Monte Amaro | Rome | Tuscany | Venice | The Biennale | Via Ferrata-ing in the dolomites | Climbing in the Ortles | Gottfried's Adventures | Maps, Graphs & GPS Data ]

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