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If you came here after reading the main narrative, and want to see extra pictures of our visit to La Serenissima, then you came to the right place. This section contains a more complete picture set of our visit to Venice.

We visited Venice for about two days; we spent our first night at a sleepy seaside campground some distance south of the city, and we spent our second night at an economical but very nice hotel near the coast just across from Venice proper.

As part of our visit to Venice, we spent some time at the 51st Biennale di Venezia, a world-famous art and architecture exhibition. If you are interested in the complete set of those pictures, then you've come to the wrong section. Click here to go to my Biennale section.

Note: additional pictures on these pages that are not in the main narrative have a thumbnail surrounded by a color.
Campsite, Lido di Dante
This is our campsite at the small beach community of Lido di Dante, about 100+ km or so south of Venice [enlarge]
Beach, Lido di Dante
The wide and relatively empty beach just outside Lido di Dante, on the Adriatic Sea. [enlarge]
Oil Platforms, Adriatic
Some oil platforms are clearly visible out in the Adriatic. Taken from Lido di Dante. [enlarge]
Jenn Tans on Beach
Jenn catches a few rays on the nice deserted beach at Lido di Dante, Italy. [enlarge]
Trolling for Shells
Jenn scans the shore for pretty shells at Lido di Dante. [enlarge]
Andrew at Beach
Andrew at the beach near Lido di Dante, Italy. [enlarge]
Adriatic Coastal Lagoon
This is one of several Coastal Lagoons that one encounters on the Adriatic coast of Italy between Ravenna and Venice. [enlarge]
The Hotel Martello
This unassuming tidy building is the home of the Hotel Martello. We stayed here for a night. It is relatively inexpensive, is very close to the train station that takes you into the heart of venice for 1 euro, and has free internet access. And nice rooms. And a nice host. Recommended! Here's the web site: http://www.mestre-hotel.hotelmartello.com. [enlarge]
Martello Bedroom
Our tidy and stylish room at the Hotel Martello. [enlarge]
Martello bathroom
Our funky bathroom at the Hotel Martello. Clean, inexpensive, and surprisingly stylish. Not a cookie-cutter motel/hotel. [enlarge]
Maestre Trainstop
This is the trainstop at Maestre, the first stop outside of Venice. From here, you can pay 1 euro for a train ride into venice, and 1 euro back. If you stay, like we did, in a hotel in Maestre on the mainland, you can use this as a way to cheaply and quickly (15 minutes-ish) get into downtown Venice. This station is about a 10 minute walk from the hotel we stayed at (Hotel Martello). [enlarge]
Andrew commutes to Venice
Andrew on his way to Venice for 1 Euro! [enlarge]
When it absolutely has to be there!
Even in Venice things need to get delivered! This is the DHL delivery service - Venice Style - on the water! [enlarge]
Santa Maria di Nazareth
This is the Santa Maria di Nazareth church, which is right next to the Train Station in Venice. [enlarge]
Teatro Italia
Colorful street vendors outside the Teatro Italia in Venice. [enlarge]
Elegant Decay
Even the run-down looking buildings in Venice exude class. [enlarge]
Canal Waterfront
A beautiful bit of Canal in venice. [enlarge]
Venetian Tower
A tower in western Venice. [enlarge]
Postcard from a Piazza
Jenn writes on a postcard to her niece, Madison, from a crowded Piazza in Venice. [enlarge]
Rotted doors
Proof that Venice is indeed sinking, this old doorway has seen higher days. [enlarge]
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