Now, just who is this Gottfried fellow, anyway.... He is Jennifer's brother's wife's mother's partner, that's who! And, he is someone who really, really wanted to come along with us on our trip in the northern part of Italy, but could not. So, Jennifer and I thought we could do le fabuleux destin d'Amelie sort of thing, you know, like with the little travelling gnome and all, except in this case we'd use a photo.

See this map here on the right? it shows all of the reported Gottfried sightings while we were in Italy. Gottfried was spotted at the top of many mountains, in famous cities and towns, even in bed, and sometimes even sprouting a body! whoa!

Now that you are all riled up, wanting to see proof of this strange virtual journey, scroll down! The proof awaits.

Gottfried in the Abruzzo
Gottfried stops to admire the pretty purple alpine flowers in the Maiella. [enlarge]
Gottfried and snowfield
Gottfried points... look, snow! (Taken high in the national park of the Majella, Abruzzo region). [enlarge]
Bergheil, Gottfried!
Gottfried summits Monte Amaro with Jenn. [enlarge]
Bergheil, Gottfried!
Gottfried summits Monte Amaro with Jenn. [enlarge]
Gottfried visits the Coliseum
Jenn accompanies Gottfried to view the great Coliseum in Rome. [enlarge]
Gottfried Retires
For the night, I mean. [enlarge]
Gottfried enjoys florence
Gottfried enjoys a view of the Florentine rooftops. [enlarge]
Gottfried and Grand Canal
Gottfried marvels at the beauty of the Grand Canal in Venice. [enlarge]
Gottfried needs nourishment.
Tken on the climb to Cima Auta. Gottfried is tired from the stiff climb to the Bivacco. Here, Andrew shares a bit of his white choco bar with him. [enlarge]
Gottfried needs nourishment.
Taken on the climb to Cima Auta. Gottfried is tired from the stiff climb to the Bivacco. Here, Andrew shares a bit of his white choco bar with him. [enlarge]
Gottfried wonders, too
Taken on the climb to Cima Auta on the Paolin-Piccolin ferrata. Gottfried and Jenn both wonder... do we really want to be doing this...??? [enlarge]
Gottfried wonders, too
Taken on the climb to Cima Auta on the Paolin-Piccolin ferrata. Gottfried and Jenn both wonder... do we really want to be doing this...??? [enlarge]
Bergheil, Gottfried!
Cima Auta is yours! [enlarge]
Bergheil, Gottfried!
Cima Auta is yours! [enlarge]
Relaxing at the summit
The two Ferrata virgins relax at the summit. (Taken at the summit of Cima Auta) [enlarge]
Gottfried on Colac
Gottfried makes the Colac's summit as well. [enlarge]
Gottfried gets a body
Gottfried is so excited to be on the airy ridge of the via ferrata delle trincee, he sprouts a body! [enlarge]
Jenn and Gottfried on bridge
Jenn on the Via ferrata delle trincee's bridge, with Gottfried [enlarge]
Gottfried climbs the ladder
Gottfried carefully climbs the ladder section on the Piz da Lech ferrata. [enlarge]
Gottfried on Piz da Lech
Gottfried seems pleased to have made to the summit of Piz da Lech. [enlarge]
Gottfried's curious summit marker
This summit marker that Gottfried is using - it looks a bit creepy with him there on a cross. Nevertheless - he made it! (Taken on the summit of the middle Cristallo) [enlarge]
Gottfried's curious summit marker
This summit marker that Gottfried is using - it looks a bit creepy with him there on a cross. Nevertheless - he made it! (Taken on the summit of the middle Cristallo) [enlarge]
Gottfried's curious summit marker
This summit marker that Gottfried is using - it looks a bit creepy with him there on a cross. Nevertheless - he made it! (Taken on the summit of the middle Cristallo) [enlarge]
Cairns are much better
Gottfried feels more at home at the summit cairn, rather than the summit cross. (Taken on the summit of the middle Cristallo) [enlarge]
Gottfried and Dolomites
Gottfried surveys the high Dolomites from his perch on the Mezzo Cristallo (Middle Cristallo summit). [enlarge]
Gottfried consults Map
Gottfried is interested in knowing where we are going tomorrow! (Taken at the rifugio Pizzini in the Ortles Mountains, National Park of the Stelvio). [enlarge]
Gottfried and Jenn
Gottfied poses with Jenn in front of the Pizzini hut. (Taken at the rifugio Pizzini in the Ortles Mountains, National Park of the Stelvio). [enlarge]
Sprouting a body again
Once again, Gottfried sprouts a body. After all, he's so excited to be here! (Taken at the rifugio Pizzini in the Ortles Mountains, National Park of the Stelvio). [enlarge]
Gottfried on Cevedale
Gottfried also makes it to the highest point on our trip, over 3700m high (12,300+ ft). [enlarge]
Gottfried, all tied up!
Gottfried in full battle gear near the summit of Monte Cevedale. [enlarge]
Gottfried, Moo!
These cows look exceptionally pretty, don't you think, Gottfried? (Taken in the Ortles Mountains, National Park of the Stelvio). [enlarge]
Gottfried hitches a ride
Jenn happily carries Gottfried on her back. My, what a beautiful place these Brenta Dolomites are, exclaims Gottfried. [enlarge]
The Relaxing Austrain
Gottfried rests his weary bones for the climb tomorrow. (Taken at the Brentei rifugio, Brenta Dolomites) [enlarge]
Gottfried enjoys exposure
Gottfried enjoys the sheer cliff over which he's been placed. (Taken on the a section of the Via delle Bocchette, Brenta Dolomites). [enlarge]
Celebration at campsite
Andrew, Gottfried and Brian celebrate the successful completion of our mountain journeying. [enlarge]

[ Italy 2005 trip home page | The main trip report | Family | Monte Cervialto | Herculaneum & Vesuvius | Palace of Caserta | Amalfi & Capri | Abruzzo & Monte Amaro | Rome | Tuscany | Venice | The Biennale | Via Ferrata-ing in the dolomites | Climbing in the Ortles | Gottfried's Adventures | Maps, Graphs & GPS Data ]

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