Sunday, February  16, 2025
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Via Ferrata
Giovanni Barbara

Mountain(s) / Location:
Val di Fanes
Maximum Height:
1400 m / 4593 ft
Fletcher/Smith Rating: 1A  
Hofler/Werner Rating:   C  
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This is quite a different sort of Ferrata. It doesn't climb to a peak or to a lookout point. It starts on the rim of a canyon and winds down, around, and back up. The Hofler/Werner rating is greatly exaggerated. It certainly isn't a 'C' grade ferrata. Mayyyybe a 'B', and even that is pushing it. The Fletcher/Smith rating for this outing (1A) is right on the mark. It is very, very easy. And, apart from the walk in, is very very short.
Ferrata - Cortina area locator map
Annotated Topographic Map
Via Ferrata Barbara
This ferrata visits a nice double waterfall along the fanis river. The ferrata can be traversed in either direction, and is for the most part easy trail hiking, with a bit of exposure and wire ropes. There are a few very small places where any climbing at all is required. The highlight, of course, is the magnificent waterfall, which has an upper and lower section. The route actually goes _behind_ the upper section, which is quite neat.
courtesy markus
Along the Ferrata Barbara
Along the Ferrata
Upper Waterfall
Most of your time will be spent walking on a paved/gravel road from the parking area, which is a few kms north of Cortina (see topo map). The actual time on the ferrata is very short.
Upper Waterfall
Lower Waterfall
Lower Waterfall

Quick Reference Ferrate Route Index

(*) Difficulty rating from the newer Cicerone Guide by Fletcher and Smith
(**) Difficulty rating from older Cicerone Guide by Hofler/Werner
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