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Via Ferrata delle

Mountain(s) / Location:
Monte Baldo / Piccoli Dolomiti
Maximum Height:
2149 m / 7050 ft
Fletcher/Smith Rating: 4A  
Hofler/Werner Rating:   -  
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The Via ferrata delle Taccole provides a taste of the higher altitude Vie Ferrate of the main dolomites, but is located in the vicinity of Lake Garda. By this area's standards, it is situated quite high up, at an altitude of over 2100m (about 7000'). As a result, there can be snow even late into June.

The climbing portion of the Via ferrata delle Taccole is not particularly long, but it is quite stiff. That is to say, it is rather strenuous and steep, even if you use the artificial aid that is provided. The ferrata itself (and in fact, most of the approach route) is entirely above treeline, and there are many beautiful alpine views both near and distant.

Access to the ferrata involves an approach of just over 5km (11km round-trip) along good trails and an elevation gain of about 600m (2000'). So, not super long, but not short either.
Approaching Trailhead
The trailhead for the climb to the ferrata is reached along SP3, high up on the eastern slopes of Monte Baldo (see interactive map on page 3). The start point is where path 652 crosses the road; there is road-side parking here for perhaps fifteen cars or so.
651 Trailhead
The path immediately heads uphill before turning left and beginning a gradual ascent diagonally up the south-facing slopes of Monte Baldo. The first part of the path is intermittently the forest and open sections, before finally giving way to a beautiful stretch of open, grassy alpine slopes.
courtesy JInnes
651/SP3 Trailhead
Semi-forested slopes
Light forest
Fifteen to twenty minutes' worth of hiking brings you to the trail junction with path 66 (an alternate way up to Monte Baldo's ridge). Continue on path 652, which becomes rockier and introduces a few steeper sections as it ascends.
Junction with 66
Beautiful grassy slopes
Contouring upwards
At about the 1800m mark (6000'), the path suddenly begins to climb in earnest, going straight up the slopes steeply for a hundred or so metres of elevation (350'). It then resumes a gradual diagonal traversing ascent. sometimes with a rough and rocky tread, until it intersects the General Graziani Path.
Pastoral valley below
Steeper stretch
Top end, path 652
The General Graziani Path is a wide rocky track that follows most of the crest of Monte Baldo's long ridgeline (although at times it is a few 10s of metres below the actual crest). It was constructed as a military project in World War I, but is now used exclusively for mountain recreation.
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