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Mountain(s) / Location:
Brenta Group
Maximum Height:
2449 m / 8036 ft
Fletcher/Smith Rating: 2B  
Hofler/Werner Rating:   D  
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The Sentiero SOSAT is a lower-level route in the Brenta Dolomites. It is not as long, committing, or exposed as some of the routes along the famous 'Via delle Bochette'. The Sentiero extends from near Rifugio Tuckett at its north end, and to near Rifugio Brentei on its south end. The sentiero consists of a relatively short section of traditional Brenta 'ladders-and-ledges'. Most of the rest of the route is simply hiking.

The Sentiero SOSAT can be done as a loop from the upper Vallesinella parking lot. It is described here in a clockwise direction, going up first to the Rifugio Tuckett, down to the Rifugio Brentei, and then back to the parking lot.
Regional Locator Map
Elevation Profile over distance
Starting at the Upper Vallesinella parking lot (if it is especially busy there sometimes is a mandatory bus-service from a lower parking lot), head through the big Brenta-Adamello log-house gate, where trail 317 starts off. The wide path leads up through pleasant forest to the Rifugio Casinei (in about 1.5-ish kilometres). From here the route splits - at the junction where trail 318 splits off to the right, stay left on 317. Trail 318 will be your return route later in the day.
Adamello-Brenta entrance
Well-maintained trail
Glimpses of the Brenta
Above the junction, trail 317 starts pass through a few open patches of land, allowing you to start seeing the beauty of the Brenta (assuming it isn't cloudy). Eventually the trail passes underneath the wires of the material transport lift of the Rifugio Tuckett. Beyond this, the trail rises above treeline and heads across bumpy dolomite towards the Rifugio, which is very scenically positioned with big Brenta walls in the background.
Tuckett food-lift
A scenic locale
Rifugio Tuckett
Passing by the Rifugio, switch to trail 303, which heads towards the Bocca del Tuckett. Soon, though, a junction is reached with trail 305b. This is the Sentiero SOSAT, and it leads left (south)
Morning in the Brenta
Junction with SOSAT route
Sentiero SOSAT plaque
Trail 305b leads south, soon reaching a Brenta ferrata plaque and a very short little bit of ferrata, where it isn't even necessary to have gear if you are reasonably comfortable with very minor exposure.
courtesy PChen
Sentiero SOSAT plaque
Typical warning sign
Jenn hikes SOSAT
After the brief bit of ferrata, it is then straightforward trail walking, sometimes through and around some boulders, to a very big boulder field. The trail winds its way through and amongst massive boulders, then returns to more regular trail.
A different perspective
Boulder field
Clouds roll in
After the boulder field, gentle trail leads slightly downwards towards the 'real' start of the ferrata. Here, the route starts to drop steeply, going down gullies, across ledges, and down ladders, so this is the place to put your ferrata gear on.
Approaching climbing
Daryl on ferrata
courtesy DBoyd
descent ladder
Descending on SOSAT
Observing what's next
courtesy PChen
Down, down, down
Big up
Climbing big ladders
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