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courtesy markus
Nearing the suspension bridge, Pisciadu Climbing Path
Suspension Bridge, Pisciadu Climbing Path
The Suspension Bridge
A fantastic route. It is long in the sense that there are very long stretches of climbing. And again I repeat that if you don't like tons of exposure then maybe this route isn't for you.
courtesy markus
Hiking path leading from the end of the Pisciadu Climbing Path
Annotated overview of upper part of Ferrata
Suspension bridge on Pisciadu Path as viewed from far away.
courtesy darryl
Annotated overview of upper part of Ferrata
Andrew, after finishing Pisciadu Climbing Path
Pisciadu Hut
Interactive Track and Photo Map, Brigata Tridentina Ferrata

Quick Reference Ferrate Route Index

(*) Difficulty rating from the newer Cicerone Guide by Fletcher and Smith
(**) Difficulty rating from older Cicerone Guide by Hofler/Werner
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