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View from within
Once at the col, there is only one big climb left - the ascent to Cima del Soglio Rosso. There is sporadic ferrata on this ascent, and the lower part of it is just metres from the Strada delle 52 gallerie. In places, it isn't more than 2 steps away.
courtesy PChen
courtesy DBoyd
View from Pass
Cool Mountain Works
Double summit
The top of Cimon del Soglio Rosso is the highest point in the route. The fifth and final summit of the route, Cima dell' Osservatorio, is lower, and there is almost no col, so the walk over to it is very easy. The top of the Cima dell' Osservatorio has a very neat array of metal sighting tubes, along with inscriptions of the various geographic points to which the tubes are pointing.
Nearing the end
Cima dell' Osservatorio
Heading down to the end
From the summit of Cima dell' Osservatorio, it is an easy walk down to the end of the sentiero Attrezzato Gaetano Falcipieri and the rifugio Papa. The rifugio is large and in very good shape, and attractively positioned at head of a large ravine. A good place to stop for an inexpensive beer!
Rifugio Papa
Wall of the rifugio
Drinks on the deck
As mentioned at the beginning of this description, the return route goes along the Strada delle 52 Gallerie. The start of the route is below the end of the ferrata route, and is well-marked and signed. Doing the route in this manner means you'll be doing it in reverse, so the labelled tunnel plaques will start at 52 and decrement down to 1.
courtesy PChen
courtesy DBoyd
Directions and Memorial
Start of the Strada
Explanatory Plaque
There are many interpretive plaques and other information along the way - mostly in Italian and German, although some have little english sections. It is advisible to have a headlamp for some of the longer tunnels.
courtesy DBoyd
First (and last)
Entrance to first tunnel
Inside a gallery
Nice exit shot
Examining a memorial
The walk along the Strada is extremely scenic, with many sections of the Strada bisecting sheer cliff. The tunnels are varied in character, with many hewed out in a rough manner, and others finished and lined in concrete. The same goes for the stonework along the route - some of it very finely done, and other parts more crudely.
courtesy PChen
courtesy PChen
Old way, new way
Jenn and Andrew on ledge section
Gallery entrance
Looking back north
Jenn on a point
Daryl disappears into the dark
courtesy PChen
Interpretive Plaque
Cool old concrete
Through a tunnel
courtesy PChen
Light and Dark
Beautify sunny walk
Dramatic towers
courtesy DBoyd
Fine workmanship
Straight into the cliff
There are some interesting tunnel complexes near the end (i.e. the beginning of the strada), including one that spirals around to lose altitude. There's also a neat room containing an old world-war one cannon.
Another interpretive plaque
Strada hairpin
A tunnel window
courtesy DBoyd
Intrepretive plaque
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