Welcome to my section that focuses on our visit to the ancient Roman town of Herculaneum, buried by a pyroclastic flow in 79AD by the same famous eruption of Vesuvius that buried Pompeii. Herculaneum is better preserved than Pompeii, although it is smaller in scope. Its proximity to Vesuvius gives you better feel for the linkage between the town and the mountain.
Herculaneum is located
underneath the modern-day town of Ercolano. It sits more-or-less right on the coast of the Bay of Naples.
Herculaneum was discovered relatively recently, around the early 18th century. Although there was an initial period of some looting, Herculaneum was explored in a more controlled and scientific way by the Bourbon Kings of Naples (who ruled from the beautiful Palace of Caserta - see my other section on that fantastic place!).
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