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Ascent gully
Looking up an ascent gully
Slightly airy traverse
Valgrande from route
Break on a ledge
Looking down-route
courtesy PChen
Climbing the Alleghesi route
Rising traverse
Up towards pta. Civetta
courtesy PChen
Jagged northern towers
Next part of route
Climbing the gully
After almost 2,000 feet of climbing, the east-facing rib that you've been climbing meets the main north-south ridge of the Civetta, underneath the highpoint of the Punta Civetta. The angle eases here and there is more hiking and easy scrambling than there is ferrata. You've still got a fair ways to go to get to the summit, though! If you've got clear weather, the views are excellent, especially to the wild towers of 'Le Rochette' to the north.
Guidebook shot
Memorial plaque
Memorial Plaque
The route now transitions to following the crest of Civetta's northern ridge. There is some exposed unprotected ledge-walking (see pictures), and, where there is ferrata, fairly easy climbing. Since you are on the crest of the main ridge, you are directly above the impressive 1000+m west face of the Civetta.
Jenn and big air
A bit of scree climbing
Around Punta Civetta
Scree ledge
Ledges and such
Alleghe far below
courtesy DBoyd
Clouds rolling in
Summit ridge climbing
Summit ridge climbing
Summit ridge climbing
As you near Civetta's summit, there are fewer and fewer ferrata sections, and more and more hiking on a scree-path. Eventually the ferrata ends completely, and then it is a short hike along a path along the ridgecrest to the summit. Be aware of the big drop to your right! The summit has fantastic views in all directions (although when I was there it was completely socked in - but I know the views are good!).
Summit ridge hiking.
North summit ridge
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