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Interior, Korean Pavilion
Oh, Canada!
This is the Canadian Pavilion at the Biennale in Venice. [enlarge]
Starring Rebecca Belmore
Rebecca Belmore's exhibit is the centerpiece (well actually, the 'onlypiece') of the pavilion. [enlarge]
Angry art
Rebecca Belmore's bucket-of-blood-in-your-face seems somewhat angry. Interesting projection onto a screen of falling water. [enlarge]
British Pavilion
A pavilion filled with cool Kaleidoscopic images of what look like British politicians. [enlarge]
Australian Pavilion
We weren't allowed to take any pictures inside the Australian Pavilion (no reason given). Soom cool sculptures in there, though. [enlarge]
Aren't these guys called the Czech Republic now? Must be an old pavilion. [enlarge]
Chekoslovakia Pavilion Interior
Very neat layers of stenciled plexiglass and lots ball bearings on a concrete floor.... [enlarge]
Sweden's Trees
This is Sweden's Pavilion. IKEA-like simplicity, no? [enlarge]
Under glide
A boat glides underneath a bridge over a canal we are crossing. [enlarge]
Acqua Falsa - Brazilian Pavilion
This was a neat exhibit - A huge loudspeaker is interacting with some electrical switches and lights, and the sound is involved in the transmission and reflection of the sounds... er... I'm now confused. Just read the explanation plaque! (next image) [enlarge]
Acqua Falsa Explanation
An explanation of the cool Acqua Falsa exhibit [enlarge]
Egyption Pavilion
An ancient nautical theme pervades here. [enlarge]
Serbia and Montenegro
Hmm... I feel a message is being sent to us, the unsophisticated public. (Serbia and Montenegro's pavilion). [enlarge]
Austrian Tar Mountain
Just what are those crazy Austrian's up to? Gottfried will find out! [enlarge]
A latticework of hot lumber
The inside of the Austrian paviliion is a huge latticework of fresh lumber, holding up an irregularly shaped singled roof that encloses their pavilion building. [enlarge]
Austrian Mountain View
A view from the tip-top of the artificial shingled austrian mountain at the Austrian Pavilion. [enlarge]
Looking down from summit
A view down from the summit of the Austrian Pavilion. [enlarge]
Gottfried examines structure
Gottfried searches for the soul fo the Austrian Pavilion. [enlarge]
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