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The Wave UFO
An otherwordly creation by Mariko Mori (and lots of other people). Appears to be some sort of device that you can enter and have your brainwaves scanned and redisplayed back to you in some form.

Wave UFO, 1999-2002.
Brainwave interface, vision dome, projector, computer system, fiberglass, Technogel, acrylic, carbon fiber, aluminum, magnesium.
4.93 x 11.34 x 5.28 m.
Mariko Mori(and others) 
Subjects Preparing for Immersion
Volunteers from the attendees, getting ready for a ride in the Wave UFO. [enlarge]
Attendant placing volunteers
Volunteers are placed in the body of the Wave UFO. [enlarge]
Wave UFO details
The information plaque on the Wave UFO. A strange thing, to be sure! [enlarge]
Overhead Doom?
Although this is not a Biennale Exhibit, it should be. I like the way this old venetian shipyard crane is positioned directly over biennale attendees who are sipping tea and having biscuits at a table. [enlarge]
The Lovers
An external Exhibit. Two venetian-style wooden boats, facing each other prow to prow and with lights, intermittently blinking at each other.

The Lovers, 2004-2005
Installation. Boats, spotlights, timer device.
Variable dimensions.
Laura Belem
1974, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Lives and works in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Chinese Exhibit
The Chinese are a special exhibitor at this year's Biennale, and they had an exibit set up in an old fuel storage warehouse at the Arsenale. The place reeked of fuel oils and was generally grimy and industrial-feeling. But atmospheric, I'll give it that. The exhibit seemed to consist of a lot of recordings of random people yelling and screaming and glued-to-the-fuel-drum camera flashes that went off as you walked by. Not sure what the message was.... [enlarge]
Bamboo sculpture
This is another part of the Chinese exhibit at the Biennale. [enlarge]
Unusually wide
A summer kids camp is holding an activity in a particularly wide street in venice in the area of the Biennale. [enlarge]
A rarity
A rare thing in crowded venice - an actual tree-lined street. I guess these are the suburbs, venetian-style. [enlarge]
Nautical Pillar
Some sort of Nautical-like monument in eastern Venice near the Biennale. [enlarge]
Giardini Entrance
This pillar of blue flame marks the entrance to the Giardini portion of the Biennale. [enlarge]
Giardini portion of the Biennale
This is the entrance to the Giardini portion of the Biennale, where the country pavilions are located. [enlarge]
Andrew admires plane
Andrew can't help but notice a plane picture in the swiss pavilion. [enlarge]
Venezuelan Pavilion
Splashes of arty color at the Venezuelan Pavilion. [enlarge]
Prototypes and Finals
Final versions and Prototype versions of colorful prints in the Venezuelan pavilion. [enlarge]
Danish Pavilion
The entrance to the Danish Pavilion. [enlarge]
Danish Pavilion
The centerpiece of the Danish pavilian was this animatronics-style setup with two kids endlessly rolling a ball back and forth [enlarge]
very IKEA
This room in the Danish Pavilion - I couldn't tell if it was a real waiting room, or if it was one of those 'artiste' rooms meant to look utilitarian but really part of the exhibit. [enlarge]
Korean pavilion
Looks like its made out of plastic crates. But a neat look nevertheless. [enlarge]
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