Maps, Graphs, and GPS Data

This section is a repository of all of the maps and graphs of our 5-day backpack in the Grand Canyon, and of our hike in Round Valley Draw in southern Utah.

The GPS Data for our 5-day backpack and the Round Valley Draw Slot canyon hike are available here.
Annotated Topographic Map - Grand Canyon Backpack
Day 1 - Elevation over distance
Day 1 - Elevation over time
Day 2 - Elevation over distance
Day 2 - Elevation over time
Day 3 - Elevation over distance
Day 3 - Elevation over time
Day 4 - Elevation over distance
Day 4 - Elevation over time
Day 5 - Elevation over distance
Day 5 - Elevation over time
Complete Backpack - Elevation over Distance
Round Valley Draw Annotated Topo

[ Grand Canyon 2005 trip home page | Main trip report | Desert Flora | Panoramas | Route Description | Data, Maps and Graphs | Video Repository ]

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