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Cliff Mountain
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Cliff Mountain

Elevation: 3960' (1207m)
Officially trailless
Location: N44.1031 W73.9751 (WGS84)
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Cliff is another of those not-quite-4000-but-still-a-46er peaks. It is fully treed and very brushy. Cliff is quite a nondescript-looking mountain, especially since it sits in the middle of a slew of much higher and more interesting peaks. The herdpath to Cliff leaves directly opposite the uphill lean-to on the Opalescent river trail about 2km up from Lake Colden. Make sure you do not get confused with the herdpath up Redfield which is only about 20 feet from the herdpath up Cliff. The herdpath up Cliff is the lower (ie- downstream) one. The herdpath soon enters a yucky blowdown area which must be negotiated, and then, at the height of land between Cliff and Redfield, heads westerly very steeply up cliffy (what else?) sections. Once on top one must follow the broad ridge a ways to the west to the true summit. Very good views to be had on the cliffy ascent portion.

Andrew's climb logs of Cliff Mountain: [Jan. 17, 2004 (FTS)], [Feb. 29, 2004], [Jan. 5, 2008], [Mar. 14, 2009]

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