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Epilogue - A Biergarten Sendoff
Sunday, June 30 and Monday, July 1
With the drama surrounding Luke's forgotten keys sorted out, we bade farewell to Riva del Garda and started our drive north. It was a pleasant and sunny day, making for a scenic drive north on the A-22 autostrada towards the Brenner pass and the country of Austria.
Heading back north
Cliffs of the Adige Valley
Castles and Towers
We chose to cross Austria via a different route (than on our journey south five days before), choosing a route that traversed a scenic stretch of the Northern Limestone Alps, crossing into Germany near its highest point, the 2962m Zugspitze.
Germany's highest - from Austria
Once in Germany, high-speed autobahning brought us quickly back to Miriam's home town of Niederstotzingen, where we were welcomed for a friendly living room de-briefing. Miriam's parents then generously invited all of us out to a German beer-garden for dinner. After getting ourselves cleaned up (things had been so rushed back in Riva that we had not had a chance to take a shower after our hike), we drove to a nearby hamlet situated along the waters of the Danube river. There, under a leafy canopy of trees, we had hearty plates of standard biergarten fare (and beer too, of course).
Roemer living-room
Lauingen Beer garden
A family evening
"Meat" salad
Curried Sausage
We returned to Miriam's parents house for some final packing and to head off to bed.
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