Jenn had a little cutout of her dad along with us on this trip. He was often in evidence as we crossed open desert, explored colorful canyons, and shuffled sideways through slots. Here's a few thoughts from Roland on Jenn's "Obsession":
"Jenn's obsession was with Photo-Dad. Not Dad himself, just the photo. Photo-Dad had to be in every photo. The Real Dad was not invited [actually, he was... ed]. This presented interesting logistical issues, as you can imagine: stopping in mid-rappel to affix Photo-Dad somewhere, or holding Photo-Dad for prolonged periods out over an abyss. Maybe Real Dad would not have been as compliant about riding on the back of a pack."
hmm... interesting perspective there, Roland. And Jenn's reply to this bit of flippant talk?
"I wouldn't really call it an obsession. I'd call it 'Creative Puppetry'"
In any case... below are all of the "Photo-Dad" pictures taken on this trip. Enjoy!