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On these five pages, you'll find an in-depth spread of pictures and a cool interactive satellite-photo track-map covering our two-day backpack in Coyote Gulch. If you liked what you saw of Coyote Gulch in the main narrative, then spend a few minutes looking at all of the extra images contained here. Extra images of Coyote Gulch that were not in the main narrative are indicated by a color surrounding the image thumbnail.

Please note: this page isn't part of the main trip report. If you are interested in the full narrative of our time in Coyote Gulch, then you should go to this page (page 5) and this page (page 6) in the main story narrative. Once you've finished with the narrative, you may then wish to come back to this section to look at all of the extra pictures (and the maps) of our Coyote Gulch backpack that I couldn't fit into the main narrative.

courtesy PChen
Just about ready
Our backpacks await the start of our 2-day Coyote Gulch backpack. [enlarge]
Ready to head off
Our group is just about ready to head off on our 2-day Coyote Gulch backpack. [enlarge]
courtesy RHanel
40-mile ridge water tank trailhead
The trailhead we used to start off our Coyote Gulch backpack. [enlarge]
Bright morning hiking
A shot of us heading northwest towards Hurricane Wash, at the start of our 2-day backpack into Coyote Gulch. [enlarge]
courtesy RHanel
Open Slickrock
The first part of our backpack involves cross-country navigation over wide-open slickrock terrain. [enlarge]
Enhanced textures in the morning
The early morning light really enhances the textures of the desert terrain. [enlarge]
Passing a landmark
Jenn and Pu passing by a landmark that is described in my guidebook's route description (the small slickrock knob with the small arch in it to the right). [enlarge]
The Chimney as a guidepost
Our heading for the first part of our backpack happens to line up almost exactly with Chimney Rock - very handy for navigation! [enlarge]
courtesy PChen
Hiking to Hurricane
Our group hikes towards Hurricane Wash. [enlarge]
Morning Cloudiness
Some inclement-looking clouds darken the otherwise bright mid-morning sky. [enlarge]
Down into the wash
Our group starts to descend down into Hurricane Wash. [enlarge]
Mystery head
The body-less head of a small mammal in hurricane wash. [enlarge]
Hurricane Wash
Heading through some pleasant narrows in Hurricane Wash. [enlarge]
courtesy PChen
Hurricane Wash Narrows
Our group is silhouetted against the sunlit terrain in Hurricane Wash. [enlarge]
Pu in Hurricane Wash
Lower Hurricane Wash
Roland along the now-flowing creek in Lower Hurricane Wash. [enlarge]
courtesy RHanel
Hiking in L. Hurricane Wash
Our group hikes in the ever-deepening canyon of Hurricane Wash. [enlarge]
Sometimes a good footpath
Although it isn't the case everywhere, there are many fine stretches of pleasant footpath walking. Taken in Lower Hurricane Wash. [enlarge]
Increasing Stream and Walls
Roland hikes next to the ever-widening stream and under the ever-deepening walls. [enlarge]
Wonderful Silhouettes
This is one of many starkly beautiful views of Cottonwood trees silhouetted against desert rock and sky. [enlarge]
watery alcove
On the outside of bends, the stream often carves pretty little alcoves, like this one. (Taken in Lower Hurricane Wash). [enlarge]
courtesy PChen
Jenn's Pack
A closeup of Jenn's Backpack. [enlarge]
Hurricane-Coyote Confluence
This is the confluence of Hurricane Wash and Coyote Gulch. The stream leading out from under the picture is from Hurricane Wash, and the stream coming in from the left is from Coyote Gulch. [enlarge]
Not so easy to cross now!
Our group ponders stream-crossing strategy at the Hurricane Wash-Coyote Gulch confluence. Lots more water flow now! [enlarge]
courtesy PChen
Checking the map
Andrew shows our location to Roland and Jenn. [enlarge]
Morning snack break at the Confluence
Roland snacks on a sandwich while Jenn returns from a bathroom break. [enlarge]
Confluence Marker
The National Park Service has put up a minimal marker indicating the junction of Hurricane Wash and Coyote Gulch. [enlarge]
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