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Sep. 21, 2019 (Sat.)
Elevation: 3600 feet; Order of Height: 80
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Mouhcine Aitounejjar, Theresa Mammarella, Cheryl Nakamura, Ann, Babneet, Deepak
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Pitchoff Ridge was our first fall hike of 2019, done as a so-called above-the-clouds work outing.

Despite the fact that we were shy of the real start of fall by two days, I still consider this a fall hike. The leaves had started changing, although not very far along. The weather was still decidedly summer-like - warm and a bit hazy.

The best way to enjoy Pitchoff is via a traverse hike, and that's what we did. Having enough cars (i.e. more than 1) meant that we could park a vehicle at each trailhead. We started from the lower, eastern route 73 trailhead, and did the short steep burn up to the eastern end of the Pitchoff Ridgeline.

We had several Adirondack newcomers on this hike, and they were suitably impressed by the views. We then enjoyed the physicality of the twists and turns and ups and downs of the first part of Pitchoff's ridgeline, which then gave way to more sedate hiking. Down from the highpoint to what I like to call the "Great Western Lookout", where we fooled around with jumping and picture taking near and on the two massive erratics. We then endured the tedious descent down to the lower ridgeline and then from their, trundled out to the western trailhead, arriving at route 73 about five hours after starting out.

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: September 2019 Pitchoff Ridge Hike

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