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Feb. 10, 2019 (Sun.)
Elevation: 4098 feet; Order of Height: 36
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Chris Hatko, Gino Brancatelli, Mouhcine
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A second attempt at a 2019 winter team building hike, this time up short-but-scenic Cascade Mountain. We managed four this time, an increase of one person from last time. Need to get those numbers up!

Cool but not too windy at the base. Trail very hard-packed and icy in a few spots. Barebooted it. Middle section from 2600 to 3100 very icy - microspikes very useful here. From the ridgecrest the trail was in much better shape, generally just hard-pack snow.

Above-treeline terrain was completely bare and dry. Windy and cold, though - definitely a winter day up here. Visibility good under mostly cloudy skies. A quick and excellent intro for new hiker Mouhcine. Welcome to the Adirondacks!

Please refer to the link below for the full trip report with lots of pictures.

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: February 2019 Cascade Mountain Team Hike

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