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Sep. 27, 2003 (Sat.)
Elevation: 4120 feet; Order of Height: 34
Participants: Markus Wandel, Andrew Lavigne
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Up to this point, there was some question about whether or not to try to do the Sewards and Seymour in a single outing. In the end we decided that a single day for Seymour and a single day for the Sewards would be ok. And, this day was to be for Seymour. The weather was unsettled, with mostly cloudy conditions with occasional pockets of sun. And it was VERY windy. Even on the long section of trail leading to the Ward Brook lean-to, the wind was very strong. We were of course wondering what things would be like up above. Markus was feeling a little under the weather; even so, we maintained an excellent pace from the parking lot to the Ward Brook lean-to, and on beyond that to the cairn marking the turnoff onto the herd path up towards Seymour (Also noted was the location of the cairn marking the Sewards, so that we could find it with ease even if we decided to climb them in the winter).

The herd path up Seymour was well-defined, although in its upper reaches it was quite steep, muddy and rooty in places (reminds me a little bit of the orebed trail in John's Brook Valley). I did attempt the slide for most of its upper reaches, which was nice, but the rock was wet and very slippery - much caution needed. The herdpath reaches the northeast ridge of Seymour not far from the summit, and from there it is an easy walk along a well-defined herdpath to the summit area, which is notable for several very nice distinct lookouts separated by a little maze of herdpaths. The best lookout is to the north towards Ampersand mountain. Very windy on summit. Luckily for us, the cloud base was just high enough to provide good views.

The way down was fairly uneventful, except for the fact that Markus was feeling a little better since he more easily maintained a faster pace all the way back to the parking lot. We finished pretty early (mid-afternoon) on this one. A nice peak - much better than some of the other trailless ones.

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: Sep. 27 hike (Seymour Mountain)

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