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Sep. 2, 2002 (Mon.)
Elevation: 3107 feet; Order of Height: 150
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Gilbert Benoit, Andree Plouffe, Sharon

A beautiful late summer day. Although not much of a noteworthy area in the elevation department, I had heard that the Soda Range and Nun-Da-Ga-O ridge was a wonderful short loop hike. The area lies just to the north of Hurricane Mountain, to the east of the hamlet of Keene. We did the loop clockwise, first going north and soon reaching a rocky nubble with good views to the west. From here the trail is 'not officially maintained'. Continuing north and easterly, the trail goes over many interesting rock ledges and through small clearings. Good views of the somewhat distant Central High Peaks region. After the ridge itself, the trail drops down into a col between the ridge and neighbouring Weston Mountain, which itself has a good viewing ledge. From Weston Mountain, the trail leads down to scenic Lost Pond, with Hurricane mountain rising in the background (as viewed from the northern shore). Soon afterwards the trail becomes 'officially maintained' again (in fact becoming a wide an easy path, eventually) and leads quickly back to the parking area. See the maps in the presentation below for details on the route.

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: September 2002 Nun-Da-Ga-O Ridge Hike

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