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Vancouver Island 2008
Summer, 2008. How quickly time had passed since our last visit to Vancouver Island. Jenn was feeling the need to visit friends and family. And not to be forgetten was the excellent high country of Vancouver Island, especially Strathcona park, where rugged, undeveloped peaks and unheard-of-in-the-east solitude were in abundance.

We flew out west to Victoria on Wednesday, August 13. Jenn's neice Madison had just finished a visit to Ottawa, and we were accompanying her back. We arrived to clear, glorious sunshine and warm temperatures. Jenn's longtime friend Cathy picked us up at the airport and drove us into Victoria.
Ottawa and Rideau R.
Over the rockies
Greater Vancouver Area
Perfect little grid
Galiano to Gabriola
We spent the next several days lounging around Victoria, visiting friends and family. We met and had tea with Jenn's colleagues from Victor School, had dinner with Jenn's brother Skot, hung out with Cathy (and her family), and wandered around pleasant downtown Victoria, doing a bit of shopping. The weather was absolutely clear and beautiful through most of these days, which did cause me a bit of mental chafing -- these would be great days to spend in the mountains, and my fear was that the subsequent days were going to be wet and rainy!!
courtesy JJones
GM Jenn and Annalise
Victor Gang (plus me)
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