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courtesy PChen
Wash walking
Snowy Yucca
Explaining Cryptobiotic Crust
The Ground
Beautiful Cross-bedding
courtesy RHanel
Desert Bush and Slickrock
Bottom of slope
Swaths of Texture
Old Soup Cans?
Into Phipps Wash
Floor of Phipps Wash
courtesy RHanel
Phipps Canyon Walls
Capturing the moment
The moment
Lonely footprints
Varnished Walls
Pu for Scale
courtesy PChen
Sunny side
Posing in an alcove
Shaded from snow
courtesy RHanel
Bright red cliffs
Evidence of past flooding
Stark Cottonwoods
Examining the walls
Scrambling to the arch
Scrambling up to the arch
First Glimpse
Phipps Arch from below
Phipps Arch
The other side
Desert cutout
A sense of scale
courtesy PChen
Lunch break at Phipps Arch
Relaxing under the Arch
The far side
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