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Family and Friends
Extra Images and Details
On these two pages, you'll find an more in-depth set of pictures that we took of Jenn's family and friends. If you liked what you saw in the main narrative, then spend a few minutes looking at all of the extra images contained here. Extra images that were not in the main narrative are indicated are indicated by a color around the image thumbnail.
The welcoming patriarch
Jenn's dad greets us at the entrance to the house on Gabriola Island. [enlarge]
The backyard
This is a good wide-angle view from the backyard, showing most of the property and most of the buildings on it. [enlarge]
The Island Home
This is Jenn's Parents' house. It is a quaint and delightful A-Frame that sits right on the eastern coast of Gabriola Island. [enlarge]
The Front Yard
A square-on view of the front of the house. A big dropoff is behind me, right down to the shore. [enlarge]
New-age generator shed
It may not look it, but this is the very stylish generator shed. [enlarge]
A cute shot of Jenn's most favorite cat in the whole world. His name: A.J. [enlarge]
A.J. Up Close
A closeup view of the 'Love Muffin'. [enlarge]
Living Room Gathering
Jenn's Dad and Jenn meet with some long-time island friends. Note how Jenn is somewhat distracted from her social duties by A.J. [enlarge]
The Innes Family Living Room
Actually, this is more than the living room, as you can see. Very open, yet cozy! [enlarge]
Cute Garden sayings
Little touches abound at the Innes residence. [enlarge]
Three fifths
A shot capturing 60% of the Inneses. [enlarge]
Consistency and Harmony
A shot of the well-matched finish and trim of the main house, Zen building and Generator shed at the Innes residence. [enlarge]
Smilin' Buddha
A cute smiling Buddha guards the entrance to the 'zen' building on the Innes property. [enlarge]
Wide Angle from Above
A view of the property from the studio level above the garage. [enlarge]
Looking East
A view looking east, out to the strait, from the studio. [enlarge]
Aerial view
A straight-down view of the pathways and knick-knacks of the central part of the yard. Oh, and Jennifer and her dad, too. [enlarge]
Friendly little planties
A closeup view of the interesting little nubbly plants growing in a planter at the studio level, above the garage. [enlarge]
The Love Muffin Sleeps
A.J. enjoys some R&R in the living room. [enlarge]
Low tide out front
This is the coastline right below the Innes residence, at low tide. [enlarge]
Front yard cliff
A view of the steep bank/cliff in front of the Innes residence. [enlarge]
The Dike
This is the cool intrusive dike that runs out into the ocean directly in front of Jenn's parents' house. [enlarge]
Another view of the dike
This is another view of the distinctive dike which runs out into the ocean directly in front of the Innes residence, which you can see in the distance. [enlarge]
Yay Gottfried!
Gottfried enthusiastically comes out to greet us. [enlarge]
Purposeful Striding
Gottfried means to speak with us! [enlarge]
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