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Jan. 8, 2023 (Sun.)
Elevation: 3678 feet; Order of Height: 72
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Jennifer Innes, Alana Wilcox, Pu Chen, Roland Hanel
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The third 'twilight hike' of the 2022-2023 season, this time on Hurricane Mountain

A sunset/twilight hike to the summit of Hurricane Mountain. The day was bright and sunny and relatively mild for early January.

Snowpack was very thin. On south-facing slopes, there was virtually no snow at all. We elected to skip the snowshoes entirely and hiked using microspikes. Where there was snow, it was hard and crunchy.

The new trail up Hurricane mountain has moderate grades all the way nearly to the summit, with only one minor steeper step or two right at treeline. We enjoyed the great views from the new lower lookouts afforded by the new trail. On the summit, things felt chillier than the forecast sounded, and we needed to bundle up pretty good. Bare bedrock meant bare-boots above treeline. We spent a bit of time in the refurbished tower but the chill wind drove us back down fairly quickly. Sunset was observed at about 4:31 pm and afterwards, some very nice bands of pink appeared in the western sky.

Hike back down was straightforward and uneventful and we finished in a tidy five hours, start-to-finish.

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: January 2023 Hurricane Mountain Sunset Hike

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