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Jan. 26, 2019 (Sat.)
Elevation: 3678 feet; Order of Height: 72
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Chris Hatko, Gino Brancatelli
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A bit of a scouting trip to see how the Adirondack trail conditions were after a big cold dump of snow in mid-January. We chose Hurricane: short but scenic, and I hadn't been up the south side trail in quite a long time.

The weather was cold, occasional snow showers, and primarily cloudy as we started off. There was a very firm and well-tracked out path even though it hadn't been long since the last big snowstorm.

Noticed right away that the trail seemed to be following a different route. Across the flats things seemed the same, but then again, as the route climbed again, it seemed different. Topping out at the west Hurricane ridgelined confirmed that a major re-route (apparently 2014) had been done on Hurricane's southern trail. Some really good lookouts along this ridgeline section, and the overall grade has been lessened quite a bit (but of course, the trail is now longer).

Summit was the same - nice big open area, but now the fire tower is restored, and is climbable. Another nice addition. Overall, the quality of a hike up Hurricane has definitely gone up since I last visited!

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: January 2019 Hurricane Mountain

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