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Feb. 17, 2018 (Sat.)
Elevation: 5114 feet; Order of Height: 2
Participants: Andrew Lavigne
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Another solo outing, this time a longer one - a brisk loop from the South Meadows Road, up through Avalanche Pass, up the back-side of Algonquin, over the top and back down to the Loj and along the road back to South Meadows.

Weather started off clear and crisp, and gradually changed to high overcast by mid-afternoon, with temperatures rising dramatically through the day. Rock-hard bare-boot conditions all the way to the start of the Ascent up Algonquin. Quiet, didn't see anyone about. Trail conditions fairly optimum until treeline on Algonquin, where extensive ice coated everything, and crampons were required.

Biting wind and blowing snow from an easterly wind above treeline - did not stay long and soon was descending to the Loj area. Many people coming up via the short way. All in all, a good loop if you want to avoid the cost and crowds of the ADK High Peaks VC area.

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: Algonquin loop from South Meadows

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