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Apr. 14, 2017 (Fri.)
Elevation: 3600 feet; Order of Height: 80
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Sophie Huggins
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A spring hike along highway-paralleling Pitchoff Ridge, with wall-to-wall sun and cool clear views.

We set up to do a traverse of Pitchoff (which is how I always do Pitchoff) from the eastern end. Only had one car, so I brought running gear along to fetch the car at the end. The initial climb was dry and clear down low, rough and blowdown-ish in the mid section, and still snow in the shadowed areas up high (but fortunately solid and walkable without snowshoes). With the beautiful day, the walk west along the ridgeline was superb, with super clear views to the still-snowy high peaks. We brought microspikes but mostly avoided the need to use them. At the far western end, enjoyed the final huge lookout and boulders, then backtracked a bit and descended the western approach trail to arrive at the western pitchoff trailhead by 2pm, about four hours after setting out. Changed into my running clothes and ran the 20 minutes back to fetch the car. Tidy!

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: Pitchoff Ridge Traverse

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