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Jul. 17, 2016 (Sun.)
Elevation: 3169 feet; Order of Height: 140
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Veetil Sanjay, Rakhee
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Special request hike for work colleague Veetil and wife Rahkee: something short and steep.

After work-colleague Veetil's thumbs-up on his first ever ADK climb to Noonmark in March of 2016, he requested another, this time with his wife Rakhee. They wanted something short and steep (or maybe they said short and sweet and I just misheard them). In any case, the perfect choice was Catamount.

Veetil and Rakhee enjoyed the scrambly and slabby challenges on Catamount, and came away wanting more. A beautiful day on a small but beautiful peak.

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: July 2016 Catamount Mountain Climb

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