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Mar. 12, 2016 (Sat.)
Elevation: 3556 feet; Order of Height: 85
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Jennifer Innes, Veetil Sanjay, Chris Hatko, Gillian Hatko
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An intro hike for work-colleague Veetil. Large amounts of ice on the mid-to-upper part of the Stimson trail made full crampons a virtual necessity (we did see a lone hiker manage to get to the top with only microspike-like devices but it was a sketchy effort). Beautiful day, well above freezing and nice sunshine. Elected to descend via southeast trail from summit to avoid having to down-crampon the steepest bits of the Stimson trail. This made the hike a bit easier on the technical side but added some distance. Veetil did quite well for his first ever hike, showing enthusiasm and pretty good cramponing technique (although he did seem quite bagged by the time we finished).

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: March 2016 Noonmark Mountain

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