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May 3, 2015 (Sun.)
Elevation: 4867 feet; Order of Height: 5
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Jennifer Innes, Caroline Doucet, Peter Bujold, Iris
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After our tough slog on Rocky Ridge two weeks ago, a gentler outing: Whiteface via Marble Mtn.

Another nice spring day as we started out along the Marble Mountain trail. Toiled up the rather rocky trailbed along the old ski lift line to Marble Mountain itself, then west along the ridgline. Hit the start of snow at roughly 3100 feet and to full snow-pack by 3400. Fortunately, snow conditions were way better than two weeks before, and we were easily able to bareboot along the trail.

Once up on the Esther-Whiteface massif, we made good time - the trail conditions and flat terrain allowed us to quickly reach the slopes of Whiteface's summit cone. We quickly climbed up to the auto road (still closed), where we had a very pleasant time lounging about on the warm asphalt.

The final bit up the open northern ridgeline was the scenic highlight. Snow still deep between bare bits of rock, but still able to support travel without snowshoes. The top was mostly deserted, save for a couple and their dogs, who had walked up the auto road. Decided to descend via the 'tourist' trail to the top of the auto road, then back along the road to the meeting with our ascent route. A quick descent down the trail (we elected to skip Esther) brought us back to the car at a decent 3:30pm.

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: May 2015 Whiteface Climb

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