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Mar. 29, 2015 (Sun.)
Elevation: 3169 feet; Order of Height: 140
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Jennifer Innes, Arn Hyndman, Gosia Hyndman, Nel Hyndman, Kai Hyndman, Caroline Doucet
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A return to Catamount - nearly two years to the day after the last time. Again a crisp and cool early spring morning, although far more snow on the ground this time. New to me were the infrastructure improvements at the trailhead - Catamount is now a much more official destination.

Started off barebooting, but switched to traction enhancement at the first uphill. We were able to follow tracks and stay with boots only until shortly after the subsummit, where the track ended and we had to start breaking trail (with snowshoes).

Beautiful fresh snow started to become a bit wet as a strong spring sun warmed things up. An only slightly breezy summit and perfectly clear skies yielded a very pleasnt top-spot.

The way down was quick and uneventful, save for the troublesome balling underfoot, caused by the effect of the increasingly warm conditions on very fresh snow. Given our large group, our elapsed total time was a relatively sedate five hours round trip.

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: March 2015 Catamount Mountain Climb

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