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Jan. 31, 2015 (Sat.)
Elevations: 4166 feet, 3895 feet; Order of Height: 31, 45
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Jennifer Innes, Chris Hatko, Alana Wilcox
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A frigid winter day on a couple of the easier 'untrailled' 46R peaks: Street and Nye mountains. Chosen to give Chris a chance to get a couple more 46R peaks under his belt while still being fairly easy. The day was sunny and cloudless but quite cold. High temperatures in the lower elevations perhaps reached the zero mark (0F, -17C), while up above on the summits, we registered reading colder than -25C (-13F). How cold was uncertain because my digital thermometer started showing 'Lo'. Herdpath was superbly packed-out throughout, no routefinding problems. Blowdown minimal. Encountered a lot of other hikers on the trail today.

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: January 2015 Street and Nye climb

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