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Jun. 22, 2014 (Sun.)
Elevation: 3314 feet; Order of Height: 116
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Jennifer Innes, Pu Chen, Denis Fournier, Roch Bellefueille, Dan Malcolm, Rene Lavigne, Nancy, Sophie Huggins
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Tagging along with friend Pu on a beautiful day on an easy Adirondack intro peak.

Warm but not hot and not humid day, and no bugs of any consequence. Trail was in good shape and not muddy, other than perhaps a few hundred feet of the steepest part of the ascent, where the trail is most heavily eroded and the least maintained.

Summit conditions were perfect: mild temperature and a light breeze; mostly sunny with the occasional puffy cloud casting a bit of cool shade. We were nine in total, but even so, it only took us just over four hours in total, round trip. After the hike we took a brief extra journey down to the shore of Middle Saranac Lake. Several families had set up for a day at the 'Beach'.

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: June 2014 Ampersand Mountain Hike

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