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Mar. 17, 2013 (Sun.)
Elevation: 3678 feet; Order of Height: 72
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Jennifer Innes, Gillian Hatko, Chris Hatko
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A short and scenic intro winter hiking route up the north side of Hurricane Mountain

A rather cold Saint Patrick's day 2013 was the setting for an ascent of Hurricane Mountain from the north, via the Nun-da-ga-o ridge trailhead. I had never done Hurricane by this route, and wanted to give it a try.

Starting off from the trailhead, we headed south to the Gulf Brook lean-to, where we then turned off onto the north trail to Hurricane. A quite hard snow base and a broken-out trail made ascending the route easy. Soon, we were at the small flat area just west of the summit blocks, where the southern and northern trailled routes meet.

Unsettled atmospheric conditions made for a final blustery trek to Hurricane's open top. There were limited but still-nice views in all directions, with the central High Peaks looking a bit hazy. The aforementioned weather conditions meant we spent only a few minutes on the summit

The packed path and help of gravity saw us quickly make a descent back to the lean-to, where we reverted to bare-booting, and then less than thirty minutes more brought us back to the trailhead. A perfectly reasonable (although slightly longer) alternative to the standard southern approach route to Hurricane.

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: March 2013 Hurricane Mountain Climb

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