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Oct. 11, 2012 (Thu.)
Elevation: 3556 feet; Order of Height: 85
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Andy Brown, Chris Hatko, Carolyn Beaton, Arjun Nair, Brent Hadden, Hilton Lem, Arn Hyndman
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Another team hike visit to the summit of Noonmark Mountain, this time on a breezy sun-and-clouds late fall day.

We started off late, at 10:30 am, but marched briskly up through the forest along the Stimson Trail, soon reaching the first lookouts an hour after starting out. Higher up, a faint dusting of snow and ice made for a few slippery bits, but otherwise it was an enjoyable scramble to the top. Once on top, we took shelter from chilly winds on the south side of the peak, had a quick lunch, and descended via the trail descending down to the south-east.

Once on the Dix trail, we headed back north through the Noonmark-Round notch, reaching the AMR lands shortly before 3pm, and the parking lot quickly thereafter. A quick but enjoyable day in the mountains with my work-colleagues.

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: October 2012 Noonmark Team Hike

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