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Aug. 12, 2012 (Sun.)
Elevation: 3704 feet; Order of Height: 71
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Andrew Silver, Julie Moran, Larry Chasnoff
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A long but relatively easy bushwhack up the south ridge of Hoffman Mountain.

This climb was initiated by a visitor to my website, Andrew Silver. He had wanted to climb Hoffman Mountain - a forested peak in the southern Adirondacks - for quite some time, but felt apprehensive tackling it without someone who had more off-trail hiking experience. He recruited myself and fellow hiker Julie Moran, and together with his friend Larry, we all set out to climb this peak.

According to some beta we gathered before the climb, the south ridge was the least brushy ascent route. so, we started out from the nearby Big Pond Trailhead, heading for a spot closest to the base of the south ridge. The south ridge did in fact turn out to be quite open for off-trail travel, and we encountered relatively easy terrain all the way to the summit. There was an increase in brushiness near the top, but a faint herdpath helped gain passage through this section.

There are several decent lookouts along the ridge, and we had great weather to enjoy the views. Our pace was measured, and so even though the entire distance is under 20km, we still took twelve hours to complete the climb. See the trip report for more details and pictures.

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: August 2012 Hoffman Mountain Climb

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