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Jun. 4, 2011 (Sat.)
Elevations: 3556 feet, 3084 feet; Order of Height: 85, 152
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Jennifer Innes, Pu Chen, Denis Fournier, Roch Bellefeuille
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An intro hike (sort of, actually it's his second) for Denis to the Adirondacks. As such, a good intro peak was in order: Noonmark Mountain.

We started off relatively late (for us) after 10am - but the Noonmark trail isn't that long, so there were no worries in that respect. We kept a good, moderate pace, stopping at all of the great lookouts on the way up. The summit was a little breezy with a chilly north wind, so we snacked on the southern side, facing the Dixes.

We did the typical loop route, heading down to the Dix trail, then north towards the Noonmark-Round col. We were all doing well and in good spirits, so we decided to tack on an ascent of Round.

After some more lazing and horsing around on the quite scenic summit of Round, we headed down, using the north side trail to gain direct access to the parking lot area. A dinner at the Noonmark diner was fitting and rounded out the day.

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: June 2011 Noonmark-Round Hike

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