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Feb. 3, 2008 (Sun.)
Elevation: 4098 feet; Order of Height: 36
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Jennifer Innes, Phuong Truong, Scott Barnaby
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In addition to being a peak on Jenn's winter 46 list, we wanted to introduce our friends Scott and Phuong to the beauty of the Adirondacks in the winter. And, more than that, we wanted to get a little test hiking in with them before our upcoming Utah desert trip, which they were coming on with us this year.

The weather looked like it was going to give us one of those 'socked-in' days, where the summits are solidly in the clouds. On the plus side, the temperature was forecast to be moderate and the winds not that strong.

The trail conditions were very firm. In fact, there was very little snow base down low at the start - perhaps 6 inches at most. What was there was hard, and one could easily bareboot it with some traction aids. We took our time and headed leisurely up the pretty trail to Cascade Mountain. The clouds occasionally showed some hints of sunlight, but overall it stayed solidly clouded-in.

Above treeline there was a moderate wind, but nothing too strong. The open bedrock of the summit was coated in the same ice we encountered earlier, and we had to be extra positive with our snowshoes' toe crampons in order to climb the little scrambly bits on the way to the summit.

We were soon on the summit, and I congratulated Scott and Phuong on becoming 'winter 1ers', and Jenn on becoming a winter 42er. Jenn and I were now aligned: we both had the same four summits to finish for our winter 46: Marcy, Gray, Skylight and Haystack.

With a chilly breeze and no views, we didn't dally long at the summit, and headed back down, using the buttsliding technique to get down the little scrambly bits. Soon we were back in the stillness and relative warmth of the trees, and it was a simple and short trek down the trail back to the car.

See the image gallery link below for a more detailed writeup and the set of pictures.

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: February 2008 - An Intro to Winter Hiking on Cascade Mtn

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