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Sep. 23, 2007 (Sun.)
Elevation: 4000 feet; Order of Height: 47
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Jennifer Innes
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The lure of something new has finally brought me to this day: Finally, I climb the forgotten 46er... MacNaughton Mountain. It is a perfect autumn day - in fact, it is the very first day of Autuum 2007. We approach from Adirondak Loj (although I debated long and hard between this and the Upper Works appraoch), making good time on the easy Indian Pass trail.

From Scott Clearing (which, btw, is beautiful at this time of year), we start up the steep stretch of the Wallface Ponds trail. Exceptionally dry conditions mean that most of this part is not wet.

Once the climb up to Scott's Pond is over, we hike along the pleasant undulating and uneroded trail towards Wallface Ponds. There are several interesting little meadows and ponds. As we approach Wallface Ponds, we do encounter a stretch of badly muddy and flooded trail, but in these dry conditions they are easily bypassed on the left. Soon we're at Wallface Ponds, and the trail ends. From the shore of the lake is a good view of MacNaughton.

There is a faint herdpath leading to the neck between Upper and Lower Wallface Ponds. Fortunately, there's a good beaver dam crossing the neck. The herdpath continues, but then peters out. The rest is a true bushwack to MacNaughton's summit ridge, although most of the bushwacking is not all that bad.

We found that MacNaughton's true summit is at the far northwestern end of the summit ridge (and that is where the sign is located).

In a bit of a hurry, we made good time bushwacking back down to Wallface Ponds, and on the hike back out to Adirondack Loj. The combination of solitude and the nice approach route made this a very enjoyable hike. It doesn't have knockout views in any one location - just a general overall nice feel...

See the image gallery link below for a more detailed writeup and the set of pictures.

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: Septemer 2007 MacNaughton Mtn Climb

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