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Feb. 11, 2007 (Sun.)
Elevation: 4606 feet; Order of Height: 15
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Jennifer Innes, Ewart Tempest
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We decided we were going to try an ambitious two-summit day of both Redfield and Cliff, thereby satisfying everyone's objectives. We've had a hard time in the past finding the south-eastern herdpath route up Cliff in the winter, so we weren't sure this would fly.

Our plan was to start from Upper works, head up to the Uphill Lean-to, and then we'd split up, temporarily, with Ewart breaking the herdpath to Cliff, and myself and Jenn summiting Redfield (Ewart had already summited Redfield a few months before).

The weather forecast didn't turn out quite as planned - the weather was a socked-in gray, with very light flurries falling.

We made excellent time, reaching the uphill lean-to only a little over 3 hours after leaving the trailhead. We split up, as planned, with careful plans and radios on how to re-join. Our route up Redfield was unbroken, and the going was quite slow. It took us 2 and a quarter hours, and I was pretty pooped when we reached the summit.

Ewart didn't even manage to find his way through the annoying blowdown maze that is Cliff's southeast approach. He aborted and met us as we returned back to the uphill lean-to. We decided to skip Cliff (and to come back sometime this winter to climb it), and started back down, through ever-improving weather, to the upper works trailhead. We finished off at 3:40pm, under 10 hours from start to finish. One more winter 46er down!

See the image gallery link below for a more detailed writeup and the set of pictures.

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: February 2007 Redfield Climb

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