Thursday, February  6, 2025
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Feb. 19, 2006 (Sun.)
Elevations: 4185 feet, 4175 feet; Order of Height: 29, 30
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Jennifer Innes, Ewart Tempest, Pu Chen
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The bright idea for today was a horshoe-like traverse of the Wolfjaws, starting at the Garden and ending at the Roostercomb trailhead on route 73. We'd bumped the hike from Saturday to Sunday in order to avoid a particularly cold and windy day. Along on today's hike: Myself, Jennifer, Pu, and Ewart. We drove down in two cars, leaving Ewart's at the Rte 73 trailhead, and then climbing into Jenn's little Echo hatchback and driving up to the Garden Trailhead.

Things started off badly with me forgetting to bring the memory card for my camera. So, not too much in the way of pictures for this outing! Conditions were cold and breezy, so we were prepared for the weather with lots of winter clothes. The hike up to JBL was quick and uneventful. Stopped at the "welcome hut" to some warmth, hot drinks and friendly volunteers.

Hike up to the wolfjaws col was quick and efficient as well. Ewart had to bail on the steep stuff up the Wolfjaws because he didn't bring his crampons - and there was a lot of ice from recent freeze-thaws. Jenn, Pu and I summited Upper Wolfjaw. Met with Ewart again at the col, agreed to split up, he descending back to the Garden, we up and over Lower Wolfjaw and down to the Roostercomb trailhead.

Climb up Lower Wolfjaw steep but no problem with crampons. Trail not broken after Lower Wolfjaw. Steep icy sections mixed with unbroken snowy sections - lots of switching back and forth between crampons and snowshoes. Blowdown moderate in the vicinity of Hedgehog. Fairly slow going - we were two hours later than Ewart in arriving at the Roostercomb trailhead!

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: February 2006 Wolfjaws Traverse Hike

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