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Feb. 12, 2006 (Sun.)
Elevations: 4166 feet, 3895 feet; Order of Height: 31, 45
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Jennifer Innes, Ewart Tempest
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For today's hike, we wanted something moderate in difficulty, that I had not done in the winter, and that Jenn had not done at all. Street and Nye fit all those criteria, so... Street and Nye it was!

Weather was not exactly clear (high cloud deck), but visibility was good, there was no wind, and the temperature was moderate (below freezing but not by a huge amount). Almost no snow down at the 2200-foot level. Was concerned with the Indian Pass Brook crossing (because of the recent warm weather), but it turned out to not be a problem, with a narrow but sturdy bridge of ice across the wide stream.

Herdpath was well-track, set, and defined from several parties the day before. A breeze to follow! Also a breeze was the blowdown situation... as in, there was virtually none.

The good trail and lack of blowdown meant we made good, easy progress, and the summits of Nye and Street were easily reached. Had an excellent lunch at the lookout on Street (partially because of the great views, partially because of a very tasty lunch!). Met fellow winter hikers Danielle and Dave at the summit. They didn't stay too long, as they were aiming to bag Phelps before the day was out.

Our way down was quick, tidy, uneventful, but pleasant. Back at the trailhead at 2:30, about 7 and a half hours after starting.

For more complete trip text, and for all of the pictures, click on the image gallery link below.

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: February 2006 Street and Nye Hike

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