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Jan. 29, 2006 (Sun.)
Elevation: 4120 feet; Order of Height: 34
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Jennifer Innes, Ewart Tempest
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Another hike where the weather improved at the last minute. Not wanting to give up another opportunity to use the open Corey's road, we go for it.

Very warm day, very springlike (again). This is really starting to seem like more than just another winter thaw. 6:50 am start; Long flat hiking section dispatched fairly quickly. So little snow at the 2000-foot level that it is a bareboot all the way to the Ward Brook lean-to.

Snowshoes donned at the turnoff to the Seymour herdpath. Path well-tracked, good condition, minimal blowdown. Very steep near the top. Track avoids the slide portion completely. Summit views are pretty good with a high overcast. A quick break, a few snaps, and it is a quick bum-slide down the steep upper sections. Long flat relatively boring (but relatively quick, too) hike out brings us back to the car at 3pm.

For more complete trip text, and for all of the pictures, click on the image gallery link below.

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: January 2006 Seymour Hike

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