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Jun. 20, 2004 (Sun.)
Elevation: 3169 feet; Order of Height: 140
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Yi, Pu Chen, Luke Ward, Guy, Julia Zhou, Lloyd Morrison
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This hike was meant as an intro for some new-to-the-Adirondacks hikers from where I work. I chose Catamount because it has the right combination of short, interesting route, and scenic summit. (I had also considered Ampersand and Noonmark as other good intro hike possibilities).

In any case, it was another perfect cool, bug-free, sunny day (summer 2004 is turning out to have a lot of these). The nice flat 500m of start to the trail served to get everyone warmed up in a nice and relaxing fashion. The steep forested part of the route up was dispatched with relative ease and not too much sweat. Soon we broke out onto the open ledges and excellent viewpoints. Everyone loved the steep rocky chimney and steep slab scrambling to get up to the 'south summit'. From there, it only took us about 25 minutes to navigate the short but interesting trail to the summit. 1h 45m from trail to summit! obviously a good crowd of new hikers! A relaxing lunch and a relatively quick 1h 20m descent saw us back at the cars at 12 noon! pretty early! Pu led the post-hike Yoga activity (see pictures in the image gallery), and then we headed off to Lake Placid for a Ben and Jerries Ice cream, and then the drive back home!

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: June 2004 Catamount Climb

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