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Aug. 5, 2002 (Mon.)
Elevation: 5114 feet; Order of Height: 2
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Peter Krug, Andree Plouffe

Another loop climb of Algonquin via the 'back way'. Hiked in through Avalanche Pass and took the trail up from Lake Colden. The day was hot and hazy. On the climb up from Lake Colden, there were good (although hazy) views of the Trap Dike on Colden. I Took a little jog over to Boundary peak (Peter and Andree waited on the main trail going up Algonquin) to get some photos of the summit (of Algonquin) from a good vantage point. Enjoyed a (as usual) busy summit and then headed down the northside trail to Adirondak Loj.

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