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Dec. 11, 1999 (Sat.)
Elevation: 5114 feet; Order of Height: 2
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Peter Guidry, Brian Connell, Lorraine Hughes
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A cold early winter day. Only a few inches of snow on the ground, not nearly enough for snowshoes. Pretty cloudy at the Loj but looked possibly hopeful - end the clouds seemed especially low. Nice hike through fluffy snow, except the combination of only a small amount of snow cover and a rocky trail made for slippery going.

But... at about the 4000 foot level we climbed OUT of the clouds and over top of them into a brilliant sunny day. Looking back to the north, I could see Whiteface's snow dusted flanks rising out of the clouds! Excellent! I love this above-the-clouds effect and have never until this point ever experienced it in the mountains of the northeast. Feeling very pleased and lucky to have come up here during these conditions, we continue the ascent above treeline (with the help of crampons). There is not much snow, just some crusted ice.

The summit view is fantastic, with a beautiful low-angle light view of the high peaks dusted with snow (in fact, the title banner to this whole section of my web page is a panorama taken from the summit on this hike). I hope to someday experience the same weather conditions while on an ADK high peak!

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery: Algonquin, December 1999

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