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Jun. 6, 1999 (Sun.)
Elevations: 4057 feet, 2720 feet; Order of Height: 39, 280
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Lorraine Hughes, Markus Wandel, Luke Ward, Sophie Huggins, Leslie Price
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This was Sophie and Lorraine's first hikes with us in the Adirondacks. I had never been to Indian Head or Colvin, and so looking forward to seeing some new terrain. We started off from the AMR club and walked up the lake road all the way to the lake. From there, we veered left onto the trail heading up to Indian Head (I realize now that this route is not part of an official DEC trail). Lorraine, having not really hiked before, was wearing nice shiny new sneakers, but she was managing well nevertheless. Soon we were atop Indian Head - quite a fantastic viewpoint (one of the better in the Adirondacks), with the long narrow fjord-like Lower Ausable Lake sandwiched between Colvin and Sawteeth. From there we headed down steeply to rejoin the main trail heading up Colvin. A pretty reasonable trail, with very few rocky bits. The summit of Colvin, although treed, does have a very excellent little flat platform of rock that you can stand on that gets you out of the trees enough to give spectacular views straight down to Lower Ausable Lake and of the Great Range. Markus used his Brother's RIM Pager to send e-mail and unix commands to his linux box from atop the summit - he really impressed the girls with that! :-). After a good lunch break, we were headed back down the mountain, this time avoiding the Indian Head detour. Returning to the Lake Road, it was then an easy stroll down to the AMR club and beyond that to the parking lot.

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery : June 1999 Mount Colvin Climb

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