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May 15, 1999 (Sat.)
Elevation: 4857 feet; Order of Height: 6
Participants: Peter Guidry, Peter Krug, Brian Connell, Andrew Lavigne
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BUGS...if there is one thing I remember about this hike, it was these infernal pests. Apparently we'd arrived in the thick of black fly season, and I can understand the Voyageur's insanity after this one. They attacked us the instant we got out of the car at the Elk Lake trailhead (actually, I could swear I could see them swarming around the car even before we got out of it). From Elk Lake, the long flat section of hiking went by uneventfully except for the annoying insects. We ascended the ridge up to the Beckhorn, which was a very cool airy ledge with huge flat slabs of rock - an excellent stopping point - even better than the real summit, in my opinion. From the Beckhorn it is a gentle and quick hike to the true summit of Dix, which, although mostly open, suffers from having a bit too much brush and low trees to make it feel truly open. Nevertheless, good visibility in all directions and a good, if a bit distant, view of the Great Range.

We returned via Hunter's pass, which is nice but not as interesting as the Beckhorn route. The long flat hike out from the base of Dix to Elk Lake was agonizing with the Bugs. PG and I wore our goretex jackets with hoods fully drawn, even though it was a warm and sunny day, just to keep the amount of exposed skin to a minimum. PG has since purchased a bug hat.

Trip Reports, Image Galleries or Other References:
 Image Gallery : May 1999 Mount Dix Climb

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