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May 10, 1998 (Sun.)
Elevations: 4620 feet, 4020 feet; Order of Height: 13, 41
Participants: Andrew Lavigne, Andree Plouffe

I have one (1) picture of this entire hike. The weather was, shall we say, crappy, right from the start. Drizzly and low clouds. And the picture I do have is of a spider web. This give you a good idea of what I thought of the views. Anyway, the hike up the Lake road was uneventful and short, since we turned off up to Bear Den early on. This trail really hits you right away, climbing very steeply from the get-go. Tough! Once up on Bear Den, the trail follows the ridgeline westward, and at the time I recall a lot of blowdown on the trail that had not been yet cleaned up. Dial was not a memorable summit, especially with the clouds, and Nippletop had no views either, although I could tell from the way the land dropped off steeply on either side that this was a much more interesting summit. I'll have to redo it one of these years when I can actually see something. We returned via Elk Pass and down to the Lake Road. Quite the wet soggy hike.

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